The Saint Andrew’s Society of Saint John, founded in 1798 is the oldest St. Andrew’s Society in Canada. It is the second oldest Scottish Society, the oldest being the North British Society of Halifax. It was founded as a meeting place for Scots and their descendants of Saint John, for their mutual benefit, and for the benefit of the city’s greater Scottish community. The Society was also established to promote “cultural longevity,” or to act as a defender and protector of Scottish culture in the city.


The Society’s Structure
From 1798, when the Society was founded, until 1849, the only officers were President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
In 1849 these officers were joined by a Committee of Charity. The first committee members were John M. Walter, James MacFarlane, and William Thomson.
In 1859 the number of officers has increased again by the addition of a Chaplain and a Marshall. Rev. William Donald, D.D. was the first Chaplain, and George W. Smith was the first Marshall.
In 1869 a second Marshall was added, and in 1903 the office of Historian was created. Charles W. Bell was the first additional Marshall, and H. Gordon Leavitt the first Historian.
On 11 April 1864, the Society was incorporated by an act of the Legislature of New Brunswick.
Cultural Activities
Since its formation, the Saint Andrew’s Society has striven not only to help fellow Scotsmen and their descendants monetarily but also to keep the Scottish culture alive in this community.
The resounding success of this endeavor is evident in the many Scottish groups in today’s Saint John and their cultural events. In the past, the Saint Andrew’s Society sponsored picnics for members and guests, often inviting the local military garrison to join them.
The first recorded was held in August 1855. The grandest took place on 29 August 1866 when 2,500 people went by railroad from Saint John to Sussex, where they were joined by another 500. The picnics featured Scottish dancing and highland games. Winners received silver medals, except that the prize for ladies’ archery was a silver bouquet holder. These picnics were held at various locations, such as Cedar Bank (White’s Wharf), Oak Point, Torryburn, Crystal Beach, and Westfield.
The first Scottish Night was held in 1889 instead of the usual Saint Andrew’s Night dinner. At Scottish Nights traditional music, dancing and stories were enjoyed. The Saint Andrew’s Society Pipe Band and the Saint Andrew’s Society Country Scottish Dancers are two fine examples of groups sponsored by the Society.

During its long and illustrious history the Saint Andrew’s Society has tried to accomplish two tasks: benevolent assistance to their countrymen and cultural longevity, succeeding at both.
The roots of this success are much older than the Society, for they are found in the Scottish character itself, a character which values hard work, dedication, common sense and brotherhood; and perpetuates these traits from one generation to the next.
It is not through great deeds that a Society exists for more than two hundred years, but through the consistent addition of like-minded individuals who pick up the torch and carry it onward.
Executive Officers

Gerald “Gerry” McRae

Krista Galbraith

PP Rev. John Martin
Immediate Past President

Deryl Fitzgerald
1st Vice President

George MacKenney

Ross Galbraith
2nd Vice President

Rev. Tom Graham
Society Chaplain

James “Jim” McKenzie
Investment Committee

PP John Buchanan
Website Manager

Robert McInnes
Committee of Charity

PP David “Dave” Nickerson
Public Relations

PP Laurie Hossack
Membership Development

PP George McCaughey
Society Historian

PP David Nickerson

Travis Hossack
Society Marshalls
New Brunswick Scottish Journal Contributors
PP John Buchanan
PP Laurie Hossack
Saint Andrews Society UNBSJ Scholarship
PP John Buchanan
Dr. Albert Fraser
Past Presidents
2018-2020 John Buchanan
2016-2017 William J. Kearns
2014-2015 Bruce Campbell
2012-2013 Laurie V. Hossack
2011-2012 David N.F Nickerson
2009-2010 James B. McKenzie
2008-2008 L. Col. James E. Kupkee (Ret’d)
2005-2007 Neil H. Graham
2002-2004 Donald S Mackay
2003-2003 Thomas ESH Wallace
2000-2002 William L Kerwin
1999-1999 J MacGregor Grant
1998-1998 Wallace P MacMurray
1995-1997 Ralph B Murray
1993-1994 Gordon W Graham
1991-1992 GM Keith Dow
1989-1990 Stanley Law
1987-1988 G Murray Driscoll
1985-1986 Dr. John S Mackay
1983-1984 J Hamish Murdoch
1980-1982 DN Cormack
1978-1980 JM Grant Jr
1976-1978 George McCaughey
1975-1976 Dr RG MacDonald
1973-1974 Alfred Chatwin
1970-1972 John B Gibb
1968-1970 Dr GD Smith
1967-1968 Wallace P MacMurray
1965-1966 CG Malcolm
1963-1964 Dr John A Caskey
1960-1962 Robert McArthur
1958-1960 AH Irvine
1957-1958 JMH Fraser
1955-1956 GB Peat MD
1952-1954 Andrew G Watt
1951-1952 Dr Victor D Davidson
1949-1950 Andrew West Murray
1947-1948 James MacMurray
1945-1946 David W Ledingham
1943-1944 TC MacNabb
1941-1942 DG Willett
1938-1940 JH Stevenson
1935-1937 JBM Baxter
1933-1934 Alex. Gray
1932-1933 H Fielding Rankine
1931-1932 WB Tennant
1930-1931 Cyrus F Inches
1929-1930 A Gordon Leavitt
1928-1929 Albert E Massie
1926-1927 AR Melrose
1923-1925 CB Allen
1922-1923 S Rutherford Jack
1920-1921 Alex McMillan
1918-1919 HC Rankine
1916-1917 Alex McMillan
1914-1915 Alex MacAulay
1913-1913 James Jack
1911-1912 RB Paterson
1909-1910 Dr JR MacIntosh
1904-1909 unknown – –
1903-1903 TA Rankine
1901-1902 J Roy Campbell
1899-1900 Hon JG Forbes
1897-1898 Geo Robertson
1895-1896 Dr J Christie
1893-1894 Dr M MacLaren
1891-1892 Robt Milligan
1890-1890 Robt Jardine
1888-1889 Alex Rankine
1886-1887 James Straton
1884-1885 James Knox
1882-1883 Alex Jardine
1880-1881 Dr PR Inches
1879-1879 Robt Marshall
1877-1878 John White
1875-1876 James Milligan
1873-1874 Luke Stewart
1870-1872 Wm Thomson
1869-1869 George Stewart
1867-1867 Henry Jack
1861-1861 JM Walker
1859-1860 Jas MacFarlane
1858-1858 JM Walker
1856-1857 AC Jardine
1855-1855 Adam Jack
1853-1854 JM Walker
1851-1852 Robt Jardine
1848-1850 Adam Jack
1847-1847 John Duncan
1846-1846 Dr John Boyd
1844-1845 John Wishart
1842-1843 Dr John Boyd
1837-1841 Hon John Robertson
1832-1836 Dr John Boyd
1826-1831 RW Crookshank
1824-1825 AS Ritchie
1821-1823 Hon Wm A Black
1820-1820 AS Ritchie
1816-1819 Hon Wm A Black
1815-1815 Wm Pagan
1813-1814 Hugh Johnston
1806-1812 Wm Pagan
1805-1805 John Black
1804-1804 Andrew Crookshank
1802-1803 John Black
1801-1801 Colin Campbell
1798-1800 Wm Pagan